
The Meeting Places - Numbered Days (2006)


The Meeting Places的吉他音場總是可以讓你穿梭在現實與過往之間,就像是圓規一般他是一個支點,希望可以讓你勾出更多思維,尤其是在一個人蜷縮角落於靜謐的夜裡。


1. Love Like the Movies
2. Until It's Gone
3. Nothing's the Same
4. Mumble
5. Hall of Fame
6. Sink into Stone
7. Numbered Days
8. The City's Asleep
9. Pause
10. Cardboard Robot


THE MEETING PLACES - Love Like the Movies


Forget everything about us today
Keep them at the table till the 14th for taste
Now we’re everything we know we would waste
Matched times on swing-sets, will we marry someday?
Now I’m everybody’s forgotten play
Can’t have love like the movies, always a mistake
Wasting time, all alone. Your game’s fine, start it slow
Those who are loved aren’t left behind, or so they would say
Sit at the left of the table if you got the right things to say
Your slurred speech always killed me. I know it that way
Wasting time, all alone. Your game’s fine, start it slow

