
Justice - Justice[Cross] (2007)


初次看到這張專輯封面,印象中那時候只感覺一陣嚴肅,可能是因為十字架的感覺很像墓地的那種,但實在沒辦法不讓人在多看它幾眼,所以當初一回到房間裡,當然就是馬上上網找資料了解他們。資料說這兩位來自法國的DJGaspard AugeXavier de Rosnay所組成的Justice,最早由於將SimianNever Be Alone重新混音版本在一次混音比賽中,表現實在太過搶眼,隨後馬上被電子音樂廠牌Ed Banger Records就這樣簽下了。


而富有創造性的Justice,也陸陸續續重新翻做了像是Fat boy Slim、N.E.R.D、Britney Spears等等知名藝人作品,也都得到不錯的評價。而2007年的同名專輯,當紅炸子機的Justice在法國創下銷售十萬張的佳績。且『D.A.N.C.E』這首單曲,以電台排行榜第八名的成績,得到了許多法國以外的樂迷的喜愛,並受邀參加日本搖滾音樂祭Fuji Rock的演出樂團。也在2007MTV歐洲音樂大獎得到了最佳音樂錄影帶藝人、最佳法國藝人這兩個大獎的肯定,及MTV音樂錄影帶大獎年度最佳音樂錄影帶提名殊榮。



1. Genesis
2. Let There Be Light
3. D.A.N.C.E.
4. Newjack
5. Phantom Pt. I
6. Phantom Pt. II
7. Valentine
8. Tthhee Ppaarrttyy
9. Dvno
10. Stress
11. Waters of Nazareth
12. One Minute to Midnight

Justice - D.A.N.C.E

Do the D.A.N.C.E.
1 2 3 4 fight
Stick to the B.E.A.T.
Get ready to ignite

You were such a P.Y.T.
Catching all the lights
Just easy as A.B.C.
That's how you make it right

Do the D.A.N.C.E.
1 2 3 4 fight
Stick to the B.E.A.T.
Get ready to ignite

You were such a P.Y.T.
Catching all the lights
Just easy as A.B.C.
That's how you make it right

Do the D.A.N.C.E.
Stick to the B.E.A.T.
Just easy as A.B.C.
Do the DANCE

Do the DANCE
The way you move is a mystery
Do the DANCE
You're always there for music and me
Do the DANCE
The way you move is a mystery
Do the DANCE
You're always there for music and me

Do the D.A.N.C.E.
1 2 3 4 fight
Stick to the B.E.A.T.
Get ready to ignite
You were such a P.Y.T.
Catching all the lights

Just easy as A.B.C.
That's how you make it right

Do the DANCE (do the dance)
The way you move is a mystery
Do the DANCE (do the dance)
You're always there for music and me

Do the DANCE
The way you move is a mystery
Do the DANCE
You're always there for music and me

Under the spotlights
Neither black nor white
It doesn't matter
Do the DANCE (do the dance)

As strong as you might
Working day and night
Whatever happens
Do the DANCE (do the dance)

Under the spotlights
Neither black nor white
It doesn't matter
Do the DANCE (do the dance)

As strong as you might
Working day and night
Whatever happens
Do the DANCE
Do the DANCE
The way you move is a mystery
Do the DANCE
You're always there for music and me
The way you move is a mystery
You're always there for music and me

